Matches in My Turtle file for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- ebdvf2019-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "(Privacy) policy information in data value chains" @default.
- ec2019-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "SPECIAL: Scalable Policy-awarE Linked Data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance" @default.
- eswc2019-special-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "SPECIAL: Scalable Policy-awarE Linked Data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance" @default.
- nii2019-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "SPECIAL: Scalable Policy-awarE Linked Data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance" @default.
- eswc2017-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "SPECIAL: Scalable Policy-awarE Linked Data arChitecture for prIvacy, trAnsparency and compLiance" @default.
- put2019-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "SPECIAL, Privacy&Us, PAPAYA" @default.
- eswc2019-dalicc-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Automated License Clearance with the DALICC Framework" @default.
- eswc2018-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Automated License Clearance with the DALICC Framework" @default.
- mit2018-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Policy Based Research" @default.
- dagstuhl2018-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Privacy and Constrained Access" @default.
- odi2018-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "W3C Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls Community Group" @default.
- swmeetup2018-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "From Data Analyst to Data Scientist" @default.
- w3c2018-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Data Privacy Controls and Vocabularies" @default.
- ibn2018-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain technology: What are they and what are the killer applications?" @default.
- westminster2017-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Digital rights management and standard setting" @default.
- eswc2017-propel-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "PROPEL: Topic and Trend Analysis" @default.
- metalab2017-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Data Licenses Clearance Center (DALICC)" @default.
- lsz2017-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Privacy vs. Innovation?" @default.
- wu2017-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "The SPECIAL H2020 project: Applications of Blockchain and non-repudiation protocols for Privacy Policies and GDPR Compliance" @default.
- iris2017-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Modelling the General Data Protection Regulation" @default.
- swm2016-speaker-sabrina-kirrane name "Topic and trend analysis" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-nicole-gogol name "Detecting Bias in Data-driven Artificial Intelligence Systems" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-dragomir-balan name "Advancing the Trustworthiness of AI: An Integrated Approach to Explainability" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-elena-guettl name "SHAP in Fake News Detection: Assessing Correctness, Output Completeness, and Continuity" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-oleksandra-kravchenko name "Legal and Ethical Implications of Artificial Intelligence Applications in Recruiting Processes" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-sara-jurovata name "Explaining Weather Data Predictions Using SHAP" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-meris-ramic name "Privacy policies and the GDPR: An Evaluation Framework" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-christoph-robinson name "Policymaking 2.0? An analysis of the usage of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data in policymaking on the basis of the policy cycle framework" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-davide-basile name "An Ethereum-based system for resource ownership in data markets" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-valerio-goretti name "Safe and controllable information consumption for data market applications: A solution based on Trusted Execution Environments and the Ethereum blockchain" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-erwin-filtz name "Knowledge Graphs for Analyzing and Searching Legal Data" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-rositsa-ivanova name "Chose your dataset wisely! The effects of dataset selection on the evaluated performance of named entity recognition tools" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-ulrike-klein name "Data Driven Organizations: A Framework for Assessing Data Maturity in Large Enterprises" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-anne-scanlon name "Open Data Portal Management Framework: From set-up to sustainability" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-juergen-dieber name "Explaining Artificial Intelligence – An evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of LIME" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-nina-spreitzer name "Assessing the Suitability of theWaikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis for Crime Data Mining" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-stefan-reithofer name "Towards a more privacy-aware social web: Challenges and opportunities for decentralized web platforms" @default.
- supervision-sabrina-kirrane-sanja-jovanovic name "Machine Learning - A Practical Assessment of Classification Techniques" @default.