Matches in My Turtle file for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
- me label "Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- kirrane-jws-2021 label "Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- kirrane-springer-encyclopedia-2018 label "Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- kirrane-iswc-2011 label "Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- wu-nm-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Institute for Complex Networks, Vienna University of Economics and Business" @default.
- wu-crypto-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Crypto Economics Research Institute, Vienna University of Economics and Business" @default.
- last-advisory-board-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Law, Science and Technology (LAST-JD) PhD Programme Advisory Board" @default.
- trapeze-advisory-board-member-sabrina-kirrane label "TRAPEZE H2020 project Advisory Board" @default.
- wu-nm-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Institute for Information Systems & New Media, Vienna University of Economics and Business" @default.
- stii-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Semantic Technology Institute International" @default.
- wu-infobiz-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Institute of Information Business, Vienna University of Economics and Business" @default.
- special-project-member-sabrina-kirrane label "SPECIAL H2020 project Grantees" @default.
- compact-advisory-board-member-sabrina-kirrane label "COMPACT H2020 project Advisory Board" @default.
- hub4ngi-expert-group-member-sabrina-kirrane label "HUB4NGI H2020 project Expert Group" @default.
- ps-wu-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Privacy and Sustainable Computing Lab" @default.
- gmit-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology" @default.
- deri-insight-member-sabrina-kirrane label "DERI/INSIGHT" @default.
- pemni_language_2023 label "Agent Policies, Preferences, and Norms" @default.
- pemni_architecture_2023 label "A Benevolent and Trustworthy Agent Architecture" @default.
- ibanez_tgdk_2023 label "Trust, Accountability, and Autonomy in Knowledge Graph-Based AI for Self-Determination" @default.
- tgdk-2023 label "Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK)" @default.
- tgdk2020-editorial-board-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Transactions on Graph Data and Knowledge (TGDK)" @default.
- ibanez_tgdk_2023 label "Luis-Daniel Ibanez, John Domingue, Sabrina Kirrane, Oshani Seneviratne, Aisling Third, and Maria-Esther Vidal" @default.
- drozd-mdpiinfo-2023 label "A Conceptual Consent Request Framework for Mobile Devices" @default.
- mdpiinfo-2023 label "Information (Switzerland) Journal" @default.
- drozd-mdpiinfo-2023 label "Olha Drozd and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- drozd-ifipselect-2021 label "Olha Drozd and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- drozd-ifipsec-2020 label "Olha Drozd and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- drozd-put-2019 label "Olha Drozd and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- drozd-trustbus-2019 label "Olha Drozd and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- qudus-ISWC-2023 label "TemporalFC: A Temporal Fact Checking approach over Knowledge Graphs" @default.
- ISWC-2023 label "The 22nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)" @default.
- qudus-ISWC-2023 label "Umair Qudus, Michael Röder, Sabrina Kirrane and Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo" @default.
- akaichi-RuleML-2023 label "GUCON: A Generic Graph Pattern based Policy Framework for Usage Control Enforcement" @default.
- RuleML-2023 label "The 7th International Joint Conference on Rules and Reasoning (RuleML+RR)" @default.
- akaichi-RuleML-2023 label "Ines Akaichi, Giorgos Flouris, Irini Fundulaki and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- basile-FiDeFix-2023 label "A Blockchain-driven Architecture for Usage Control in Solid" @default.
- FiDeFix-2023 label "1st Workshop on Fintech and Decentralized Finance (FiDeFix)" @default.
- basile-FiDeFix-2023 label "Davide Basile, Claudio Di Ciccio, Valerio Goretti and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- basile-frontiers-2023 label "Davide Basile, Claudio Di Ciccio, Valerio Goretti and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- basile-arXiv-2023 label "Davide Basile, Claudio Di Ciccio, Valerio Goretti and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- basile-frontiers-2023 label "Blockchain based Resource Governance for Decentralized Web Environments" @default.
- basile-arXiv-2023 label "Blockchain based Resource Governance for Decentralized Web Environments" @default.
- frontiers-2023 label "Frontiers in Blockchain" @default.
- arXiv-2023 label "arXiv Technical Report, CoRR, arXiv:2301.06919" @default.
- krickl-semantics-2022 label "Misinformation Detection: Using Linguistic Cues" @default.
- semantics-2022 label "Proceedings of the Posters and Demos Track of the 18th International Conference on Semantic Systems" @default.
- krickl-semantics-2022 label "Astrid Krickl and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- akaichi-semantics-2022 label "A Semantic Policy Language for Usage Control" @default.
- akaichi-semantics-2022 label "Ines Akaichi and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- akaichi-arXiv-2022 label "Ines Akaichi and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- akaichi-arXiv-2022 label "Usage Control Specification, Enforcement, and Robustness: A Survey" @default.
- arXiv-2022 label "arXiv Technical Report, CoRR, arXiv:2203.04800" @default.
- ivanova-lrec-2022 label "Comparing Annotated Datasets for Named Entity Recognition in English Literature" @default.
- lrec-2022 label "Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation" @default.
- ivanova-lrec-2022 label "Rositsa V. Ivanova, Sabrina Kirrane, and Marieke van Erp" @default.
- kampik-ACMTOIT-2022 label "Governance of Autonomous Agents on the Web: Challenges and Opportunities" @default.
- ACMTOIT-2022 label "ACM Transactions on Internet Technology Journal" @default.
- kampik-ACMTOIT-2022 label "Timotheus Kampik, Adnane Mansour, Olivier Boissier, Sabrina Kirrane, Julian Padget, Terry R. Payne, Munindar P. Singh, Valentina Tamma, Antoine Zimmermann" @default.
- dieber-if-2022 label "A novel model usability evaluation framework (MUsE) for explainable artificial intelligence" @default.
- if-2022 label "Information Fusion Journal" @default.
- dieber-if-2022 label "Jürgen Dieber, Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- drozd-ifipselect-2021 label "Privacy CURE: Consent Comprehension Made Easy" @default.
- drozd-ifipsec-2020 label "Privacy CURE: Consent Comprehension Made Easy" @default.
- ifipselect-2021 label "IFIP Select Journal" @default.
- kirrane-jws-2021 label "Intelligent Software Web Agents: A Gap Analysis" @default.
- jws-2021 label "Journal of Web Semantics" @default.
- jws2018-editorial-board-member-sabrina-kirrane label "Journal of Web Semantics" @default.
- basile-bpm-2021 label "Enhancing Blockchain-based Processes with Decentralized Oracles" @default.
- bpm-2021 label "Business Process Management: Blockchain and Robotic Process Automation Forum" @default.
- basile-bpm-2021 label "Davide Basile, Valerio Goretti, Claudio Di Ciccio, and Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- filtz-aiandlaw-2021 label "The Linked Legal Data Landscape" @default.
- aiandlaw-2021 label "Artificial Intelligence and Law Journal" @default.
- filtz-aiandlaw-2021 label "Erwin Filtz, Sabrina Kirrane and Axel Polleres" @default.
- filtz-semantics-2018 label "Erwin Filtz, Sabrina Kirrane and Axel Polleres" @default.
- hogan-ACMComputingSurveys-2021 label "Knowledge Graphs" @default.
- ACMComputingSurveys-2021 label "ACM Computing Surveys Journal" @default.
- hogan-ACMComputingSurveys-2021 label "Aidan Hogan, Eva Blomqvist, Michael Cochez, Claudia d'Amato, Gerard de Melo, Claudio Gutierrez, José Emilio Labra Gayo, Sabrina Kirrane, Sebastian Neumaier, Axel Polleres, Roberto Navigli, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Sabbir M. Rashid, Anisa Rula, Lukas Schmelzeisen, Juan Sequeda, Steffen Staab, Antoine Zimmermann" @default.
- hogan-arxiv-2020 label "Aidan Hogan, Eva Blomqvist, Michael Cochez, Claudia d'Amato, Gerard de Melo, Claudio Gutierrez, José Emilio Labra Gayo, Sabrina Kirrane, Sebastian Neumaier, Axel Polleres, Roberto Navigli, Axel-Cyrille Ngonga Ngomo, Sabbir M. Rashid, Anisa Rula, Lukas Schmelzeisen, Juan Sequeda, Steffen Staab, Antoine Zimmermann" @default.
- filtz_jurix_2020 label "Events Matter: Extraction of Events from Court Decisions" @default.
- jurix_2020 label "The thirty-third Legal Knowledge and Information Systems Conference (JURIX)" @default.
- filtz_jurix_2020 label "Erwin Filtz, María Navas-Loro, Cristiana Santos, Axel Polleres, Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- taelman-quweda-2020 label "Towards Querying in Decentralized Environments with Privacy-Preserving Aggregation" @default.
- taelman-arxiv-2020 label "Towards Querying in Decentralized Environments with Privacy-Preserving Aggregation" @default.
- quweda-2020 label "4th Workshop on Storing, Querying and Benchmarking the Web of Data (quweda) in conjunction with the International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC)" @default.
- taelman-quweda-2020 label "Ruben Taelman, Simon Steyskal, Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- taelman-arxiv-2020 label "Ruben Taelman, Simon Steyskal, Sabrina Kirrane" @default.
- kirrane-aichain-2020 label "BlockConfess: Towards an Architecture for Blockchain Constraints and Forensics" @default.
- aichain-2020 label "IEEE 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Artificial Intelligence for Blockchain (AIChain)" @default.
- kirrane-aichain-2020 label "Sabrina Kirrane and Claudio Di Ciccio" @default.
- ifipsec-2020 label "35rd International Conference on Information Security and Privacy Protection (IFIPSEC)" @default.
- fernandez-swj-hdtcrypt-2020 label "HDT crypt : Efficient Compression and Encryption of RDF Datasets" @default.
- swj-2020 label "The Semantic Web Journal" @default.
- swj-2018 label "The Semantic Web Journal" @default.
- fernandez-swj-hdtcrypt-2020 label "Javier D. Fernandez, Sabrina Kirrane, Axel Polleres, and Simon Steyskal" @default.
- fernandez-eswc-2020 label "Javier D. Fernandez, Sabrina Kirrane, Axel Polleres, and Simon Steyskal" @default.
- bonatti-ki-2020 label "Machine Understandable Policies and GDPR Compliance Checking" @default.
- bonatti-arxiv-2020 label "Machine Understandable Policies and GDPR Compliance Checking" @default.
- ki-2020 label "KI - Künstliche Intelligenz Journal" @default.
- bonatti-ki-2020 label "Piero A. Bonatti, Sabrina Kirrane, Iliana M. Petrova, Luigi Sauro" @default.