Matches in My Turtle file for { ?s <> ?o ?g. }
Showing items 1 to 75 of
with 100 items per page.
- ibanez_tgdk_2023 title "Trust, Accountability, and Autonomy in Knowledge Graph-Based AI for Self-Determination" @default.
- drozd-mdpiinfo-2023 title "A Conceptual Consent Request Framework for Mobile Devices" @default.
- qudus-ISWC-2023 title "TemporalFC: A Temporal Fact Checking approach over Knowledge Graphs" @default.
- akaichi-RuleML-2023 title "GUCON: A Generic Graph Pattern based Policy Framework for Usage Control Enforcement" @default.
- basile-FiDeFix-2023 title "A Blockchain-driven Architecture for Usage Control in Solid" @default.
- basile-frontiers-2023 title "Blockchain based Resource Governance for Decentralized Web Environments" @default.
- basile-arXiv-2023 title "Blockchain based Resource Governance for Decentralized Web Environments" @default.
- krickl-semantics-2022 title "Misinformation Detection: Using Linguistic Cues" @default.
- akaichi-semantics-2022 title "A Semantic Policy Language for Usage Control" @default.
- akaichi-arXiv-2022 title "Usage Control Specification, Enforcement, and Robustness: A Survey" @default.
- ivanova-lrec-2022 title "Comparing Annotated Datasets for Named Entity Recognition in English Literature" @default.
- kampik-ACMTOIT-2022 title "Governance of Autonomous Agents on the Web: Challenges and Opportunities" @default.
- dieber-if-2022 title "A novel model usability evaluation framework (MUsE) for explainable artificial intelligence" @default.
- drozd-ifipselect-2021 title "Privacy CURE: Consent Comprehension Made Easy" @default.
- drozd-ifipsec-2020 title "Privacy CURE: Consent Comprehension Made Easy" @default.
- kirrane-jws-2021 title "Intelligent Software Web Agents: A Gap Analysis" @default.
- basile-bpm-2021 title "Enhancing Blockchain-based Processes with Decentralized Oracles" @default.
- filtz-aiandlaw-2021 title "The Linked Legal Data Landscape" @default.
- hogan-ACMComputingSurveys-2021 title "Knowledge Graphs" @default.
- filtz_jurix_2020 title "Events Matter: Extraction of Events from Court Decisions" @default.
- taelman-quweda-2020 title "Towards Querying in Decentralized Environments with Privacy-Preserving Aggregation" @default.
- taelman-arxiv-2020 title "Towards Querying in Decentralized Environments with Privacy-Preserving Aggregation" @default.
- kirrane-aichain-2020 title "BlockConfess: Towards an Architecture for Blockchain Constraints and Forensics" @default.
- fernandez-swj-hdtcrypt-2020 title "HDT crypt : Efficient Compression and Encryption of RDF Datasets" @default.
- bonatti-ki-2020 title "Machine Understandable Policies and GDPR Compliance Checking" @default.
- bonatti-arxiv-2020 title "Machine Understandable Policies and GDPR Compliance Checking" @default.
- havur-icissp-2020 title "Greater Control and Transparency in Personal Data Processing" @default.
- fernandez-puc-2020 title "User Consent Modeling for Ensuring Transparency and Compliance in Smart Cities" @default.
- kirrane-swj-2020 title "A decade of Semantic Web research through the lenses of a mixed methods approach" @default.
- kirrane-arxiv-2020 title "The SPECIAL-K Personal Data Processing Transparency and Compliance Platform" @default.
- hogan-arxiv-2020 title "Knowledge Graphs Technical Report" @default.
- filtz-coopis-2019 title "Exploiting EuroVoc's Hierarchical Structure for Classifying Legal Documents" @default.
- navas_ker_2019 title "TempCourt: Evaluation of Temporal Taggers on a new Corpus of Court Decisions" @default.
- drozd-put-2019 title "Consent Comprehension Made Easy Demo" @default.
- havur-semantics-2019 title "Automatic License Compatibility Checking" @default.
- beno-semantics-2019 title "Doc2RDFa: Semantic Annotation for Web Documents" @default.
- devos-rulemlrr-2019 title "ODRL policy modelling and compliance checking" @default.
- drozd-trustbus-2020 title "I Agree: Customize your Personal Data Processing with the CoRe User Interface" @default.
- bonatti-ieee-services-2020 title "Big Data and Analytics in the Age of the GDPR" @default.
- pellegrini-iris-2019 title "DALICC: A License Management Framework for Digital Assets" @default.
- satoh-jurix-2019 title "Reasoning about Judgement in GDPR Litigation by PROLEG" @default.
- kirrane-desemweb-2018 title "Intelligent Agents: The Vision Revisited" @default.
- bonatti-swsg-2018 title "Data Privacy Vocabularies and Controls: Semantic Web for Transparency and Privacy" @default.
- drozd-operandi-2018 title "Enabling Personal Data Processing Control via Dynamic Consent" @default.
- havur-semantics-2018 title "DALICC: A Framework for Publishing and Consuming Data Assets Legally" @default.
- filtz-semantics-2018 title "Interlinking Legal Data" @default.
- westphal-semantics-2018 title "SPIRIT: A Semantic Transparency and Compliance Stack" @default.
- azzam-innovate-data-2018 title "Towards Making Distributed RDF processing FLINker" @default.
- hatamian-dbsec-2018 title ""It's Shocking!": Analysing the Impact and Reactions to the A3: Android Apps Behaviour Analyser" @default.
- agarwal-apf-2018 title "Legislative Compliance Assessment: Framework, Model and GDPR Instantiation" @default.
- kirrane-springer-encyclopedia-2018 title "Security and Privacy Aspects of Semantic Data" @default.
- wenning-springer-book-2018 title "Compliance Using Metadata" @default.
- pellegrini-springer-2019 title "Automated Rights Clearance Using Semantic Web Technologies: The DALICC Framework" @default.
- kirrane-eswc-2018 title "A Scalable Consent, Transparency and Compliance Architecture" @default.
- panasiuk-eswc-2018 title "Modeling and Reasoning over Data Licenses" @default.
- pellegrini-iris-2018 title "A Genealogy and Classification of Rights Expression Languages" @default.
- kirrane-swj-2018 title "Privacy, security and policies: A review of problems and solutions with semantic web technologies" @default.
- blank-ieee-sp-2018 title "Privacy aware restricted areas for UAS’s" @default.
- raschke-ifipaict-2018 title "Designing a GDPR-compliant and Usable Privacy Dashboard" @default.
- kirrane-swj-2017 title "Access Control and the Resource Description Framework: A Survey" @default.
- appl-tr-2017 title "Big Data, Innovation und Datenschutz" @default.
- bonatti-telerise-2020 title "Transparent Personal Data Processing: The Road Ahead" @default.
- fernandez-eswc-2020 title "Self-Enforcing Access Control for Encrypted RDF" @default.
- agarwal-iris-2017 title "Modelling the General Data Protection Regulation Slides" @default.
- kirrane-tr-2016 title "Query Based Access Control for Linked Data" @default.
- fenandez-book-2016 title "Propelling the Potential of EnterpriseLinked Data in AustriaRoadmap and Report" @default.
- drozd-soups-2016 title "Towards an Interactive Privacy Pattern Catalog" @default.
- steyskal-semantics-2015 title "If you can’t enforce it, contract it: Enforceability in Policy-Driven (Linked) Data Markets" @default.
- kirrane-tr-2015 title "Access Control and the Resource Description Framework: A Survey (Technical Report)" @default.
- kirrane-iswc-2013 title "Secure Manipulation of Linked Data" @default.
- kirrane-sec-2013 title "Applying DAC principles to the RDF graph data model" @default.
- kirrane-jist-2013 title "Protect YourRDF Data!" @default.
- lopes-iclp-2012 title "A Logic Programming approach for Access Control over RDF" @default.
- bordea-lrec-2012 title "Expertise Mining for Enterprise Content Management" @default.
- kirrane-iswc-2011 title "DC Proposal:Knowledge Based Access Control Policy Specification and Enforcement" @default.